Studies have demonstrated that eating well and taking strolls can lessen the danger of dementia in half. Dementia is regarded as the main dread of maturing but then individuals don’t realize that 50% of our psychological wellbeing is in our own hands.
There is massive evidence that indicates that lifestyle changes like eating low-carb diets, regularly exercising, quitting smoking, and engaging in mentally stimulating activities, can help keep Dementia at bay.
People with poor health habits and high genetic risk are three times more likely to develop dementia versus those with good habits and low genetic risk. There is no cure for or preventive medicines that can halt dementia. But evidence suggests that there are certain ways of life which when adopted can potentially lower the risk. We can’t change the genes we inherit, but transforming our lifestyle can help stack the odds in our favor.
1. Stay mentally alert
People are far more efficient and productive when they are physically fit and alert, and the same can be said for those remaining mentally sharp. Individuals can exercise their brains by reading, learning, working on puzzles, and engaging in stimulating conversations. Always remember that muscles, either mental or physical, can be safely stretched.
The key to staying young and fit is to keep moving those fingers. Make an effort to learn every day and keep yourself occupied. Learn new courses, watch documentaries, take your dog out, solve the crossword every day. There are numerous activities out there which you can undertake.
2. Stay socially active
The importance of socialization can never be underestimated. People love to gather and doing so in diverse settings can have numerous advantages. By joining a yoga or running group, or attending community activities, people can gain numerous health advantages from the company of others, some of which may aid in preventing dementia further down the line. Seeing a familiar face and bantering always feels light and good. If meeting a friend becomes difficult, try to catch up with a phone call or Facetime/Zoom. During COVID times, make an effort to be physically distant but not socially distant.
3. Meditate
Advantages of meditation include calming the brain, preserving brain functions, and helping it to prevent being paralyzed by fear. People who meditate regularly have healthier brains. Meditation has shown improved cognition and reported mindfulness. It reduces anxiety or stress. It may improve insomnia, reduce blood pressure, and reduce other cardiovascular disease risks. Meditation is regarded as an easy and inexpensive activity that can be placed into one’s life to improve general well-being and health.
4. Manage health problems including blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol
Medications given by the doctors help in stalling dementia. But that can never be the ultimate solution. You must exercise regularly and include both strength training and cardiovascular activity. Exercising fills the body with fresh oxygen and blood and transfers it to the brain. It is a fact that the human brain loves oxygen. The more it gets, the better it feels. Daily exercises cause the brain to release chemicals that develop it by growing new blood vessels, growing new brain cells, and improving the health of brain cells. It’s never too late to begin exercising. Individuals who improve their fitness over time are less likely to develop dementia.
Also, follow a diet that consists of leafy, green veggies, fresh fruits, berries, fish, and chicken – all of which are described as “brain foods” that can help brain cells be healthy. Avoid processed foods and consume the ones rich in omega-3s such as walnuts, chia seeds, and salmon, etc. Healthy food is the best way to keep your body happy.
Considering the increasing number of people diagnosed with dementia, these recommended lifestyle changes are certainly worth introducing into your life. Whatever a person can do to ward off dementia either permanently or temporarily would be wise. Always remember, how we choose to live can have a dramatic impact on how we live.
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Our professionals help to keep your brain as sharp as possible, for as long as possible. We want you to live a long and fulfilling life.